Wardrobe Organisation...

Wardrobe Organisation Tips:

  1. Remove everything from the wardrobe.
  2. Assess the space you have to work with & how best to use it – decide if you need to or can add more shelving, under shelf baskets, hooks on the inside of doors.
  3. Now to sort:
  • Go through each item of clothing and make a decision straight away – don’t procrastinate, make a decision as quickly as you can, or you may spend a lot of time trying to decide.  Keep a maybe box on hand for items you are not sure about and then reassess later again.
  • The best way to sort things out is to create a pile for each of the following (7 in total):-

    KEEP – FREQUENT USE & LOVE – Items that you love & that fit, that go with other items, that you wear often.

    KEEP – INFREQUENT USE – Special occasion items that are not worn very often.

    KEEP – OUT OF SEASON – whatever is not worn in the season you are currently in

    KEEP – TO BE MENDED – items that require mending.   Mending should be done as soon as possible so that you can wear them again.

    DONATE – Items in good condition that you don’t wear anymore and someone else could.

    SELL – sell any items that you don’t want to donate and use the money to buy new items. This is also motivation for doing the wardrobe cleanout

    TOSS – any clothes that are beyond repair or donating

  1. Try not to keep things that are too small (hoping to lose weight when you have weighed the same for the last 5 yrs) or too big (in case you gain a few kilos) It will feel good to know everything you have fits!
  2. Now group the clothing into likes & how often you wear them.
  3. Pack away so that you have easy access, visibility of frequently worn & favourite items.
  4. Live with it for a while & see how it is working for you day to day & tweak the system to make it better for you.
  • Maintain your organised wardrobe & keep your clothes in order.  They can soon become an unorganised mess again.
  • If you are unsure what you are using most often, get into the habit of having all coat hanger hooks facing the same way when they are put into the wardrobe, and then when an outfit has been worn and returned after washing, put the hanger back but turned around. This is a really quick way of seeing at a glance what you have worn recently.  This helps you to make different choices & not wear the same favourite outfit over & over again & you will get more wear and value from every piece of clothing that you have.  This will also help to eliminate what you thought you needed on the first organising session but haven’t worn, so do you actually need it!
  • Work on a one in, one out policy for future purposes so that you don’t become overwhelmed ever again.
  • Spend some time going through all your clothes & work out what items go with what, and what you need to complete an outfit and make a list, so when you are shopping for new items, you will know what you need, and what it will go with.  This way you will be adding to your wardrobe in planned way and not wasting time and money on buying items that you won’t wear because you don’t need it and/or you haven’t got anything to wear it with.
  • Rotate your clothes as the seasons change
  • Spend a bit of time trying different combinations of clothing & take photographs of you wearing the outfits, and put them up on the inside of your wardrobe door.  This will help you to see at a glance what looks good on you & what goes together.
  • Plan your outfit the night before so that you can get ready in the morning with no stress about ‘what to wear’ and can check if any items need to be ironed etc.