Trying to sell your home?...

        Showcasing your house for sale

Let me as a Professional Organiser help homeowners to prepare their home for sale. Home sellers often lack the time and know-how to successfully achieve the results they need to promote their home and many home sellers will consider the task to be quite daunting and in some cases very emotional.  Agents are experts in the field of selling and closing the deal, they know what can help sell a home but don’t have the time, or may need experienced assistance, to implement their knowledge.

Iridescence Organisation can provide a positive and constructive approach to the task.  We will help you to promote your home in the best possible way that you can. When potential buyers come to view, first impressions are most important & count. De-cluttering and making your house presentable & attractive will be money well spent. We will help you try to achieve a "wow" factor for the potential buyer. The potential buyer must be able to see the home's assets. Making the home neat and presentable makes it competitive in the market.