Streamlining your life...

This is a great place to start, read the morning frenzy , get through the morning madness and half the battle is won!

Now for the rest of the day – read my articles on Always Late & Procrastination & just tackle your day head on!

Dealing with the constant steady flow of emails sms’s & all the social media’s out there can become overwhelming.  The first thing to do is limit the amount of time you are going to spend on each/all. As you read a message/email decide whether it must stay in the inbox to be actioned, can be filed or deleted immediately.  Avoid the mailbox clutter syndrome that takes hours to sort once out of control

Dealing with the inflow of paper: be ruthless – keep trays/drawers for reading, actioning, paying, filing or toss. It is so much more time efficient to sort as you receive and not sit with a huge pile that needs sorting & then actioning.

Do as much banking and paying bills as you can on-line - saves time looking for parking, coping with traffic, etc.

Use a list/diary - make a master list of all chores & work from that, split it over the week or month. Use your diary as best you can to make your life easier (see my article on Diary use)

Know your limits & time available – don’t take on too much – learn to say no!

Tomorrow is Friday..

Have a lovely weekend!