Office Organisation Tips...

Office Organisation Tips:  

  1. Sort: Make piles of what needs to be done with each piece of paper using the RAFT method:
  • Read – anything that you need to read & then can be actioned, filed or tossed
  • Act – split into 2 - Urgent or Normal
  • File
  • Toss – throw away everything you don't need & can’t donating  or recycling
  1. Keep the Read & Act & File documents on your desk in a three tier paper tray.
  2. Flag important papers that need to be attended to urgently.
  3. Keep your diary & or note/message book on your desk & at hand. Having only one place for your notes will eliminate clutter and make it easier for you to see what you need to do. So get rid of all your note pads, including your sticky pads, except for one. If you prefer keeping all of your notes in a computer document or calendar, then get rid of all of your note pads. You won't need them.
  4. Having a second monitor can be a huge asset when running an electronic diary & to-do list, you can keep it open at all times & this can increase productivity by 30 percent.
  5. Separate everything that is left (Pens & stationery etc) into piles according to how often you use those items. The first pile should be items you use frequently, the second pile should be items you use sometimes and the third pile should be items you rarely use.
  6. The items you use frequently should be within an arm's length from where you sit and should be on the side of your body that is the easiest for you to use. So if you're right handed, those items should be on your right side. If you're left handed, those items should be on your left side.
  7. When putting small items such as pencils, calculators and paper clips in drawers, use a drawer organizer. Designate each compartment for one type of item. So your paper clips will be in a separate compartment from your pencils, which will be in a separate compartment from your pens.
  8. Next, you should put away the items you use sometimes. Those items should be the second closest items to where you sit. They do not need to be within an arm's length, but they should be easy to access.
  9. Finally, put away the items you rarely use. Those items should be the items farthest away from you.
  10. The last office organization step is the hardest: keep your desk clear. After taking the time to reorganize your entire office, it's now time to work in it. Instead of falling back into old habits and putting all of your current work on your desk, you should keep everything put away until the moment you need it.