Is your clutter making you ill?

Being in a cluttered environment can make you ill.. physically & mentally!

Clutter is stagnant energy. Your home is a place to feel rejuvenated, a place to relax & re-energise, but with stagnant energy all around you, how will this happen?  Your office is a place of inspiration & productivity & achievement, but with stagnant energy in your office, how will this happen?

Some clutter is obviously a health threat.  Clutter gathers dust & dust mites which add to your allergies and can cause skin disorders.  Clutter attracts cockroaches & they leave faeces & body part fragments around your home/office also adding to your allergies & creates an unclean, smelly environment. Things lying around on the floor can be tripped over.

Other threats are less obvious – like the feeling of constant anxiety, the feeling of being overwhelmed & stressed about the bills you need to pay but can’t find.. things that need to be done are always hanging over you & you just not getting it done.

Here is a room by room clutter = illness/hazard guide:

  • In every room:    the overstuffed drawers, piles of paper on, behind & under the couch or bed, piles of paper on the carpet. Is this a fire hazard?
  • In the office:
    • Sleeplessness, headaches, anxiety…from piles of un-dealt with paperwork, forgotten appointments: some which you are charged for & some you broke a friend’s heart & some you disgraced yourself in business. Think about what is happening in your life that you can’t get to all these things – moved house – too much on your schedule, no balance - a new baby – mum-in-law has moved in etc.  Start getting organised slowly & regain the control.
  • The Bedroom:
    • Low self esteem & weight gain...keeping clothes that are too small & too big just in case you lose/gain a few kilo’s, when you put them on & it is still too small, do you feel good about yourself!  Clean out your closet – keep what looks good & makes you feel good when you wear it.
  • The Kitchen:
    • Weight gain & digestive ailments & generally unhealthy…can’t find the whole grain cereal, using expired foods, not having fresh vegetables  & fruit because the trips to the grocery store are rushed & unplanned.  Easier to quickly fry up a meal because the crock-pot is somewhere at the back! Organise it now.
  • The Living room:
    • Accidents, depression, tired & worn out…can’t walk through without tripping over something, can’t relax & unwind among the clutter, don’t socialise anymore because there is no room for the guests. Do you need all this stuff? – organise & purge now! 

     IF you don’t know where to start, contact Karen…